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Common Questions

We've made a list of the most common questions we received over the years, but if you can't find the answer you're looking for below, feel free to contact us or stop by our information booth at the market.

Where is the market located?

The market is at N87 W16749 Garfield Dr, in Menomonee Falls. The market is in the Village Park, directly off of Appleton Avenue, in the heart of the downtown area. Get Directions Here.

When is the market open in 2025?

The market will be open Wednesday from 2pm – 6pm, June 4 – October 15, 2025.  We are also open on Sunday’s during prime time of the growing season, Sunday’s from 10am – 1pm, July 13 – September 14, 2025

Who runs the Menomonee Falls Farmers Market?

The Menomonee Falls Farmers Market is a local not-for-profit organization, guided by a volunteer board of directors, committee members and a market manager.

Where is the information booth located at the market?

The information booth is located on the north side of the roadway across from the various vendors that are set up on the roadway.

What's for sale at the market?

Every week, the market is home to about 45 farmers and vendors, selling a first-class mix of produce, plants, cut flowers, bread and baked goods, award-winning cheese, coffee, fish, meat and poultry, prepared food items, and a wide assortment of other items and services. 

Are dogs allowed at the market?

Yes, dogs are allowed at the market so long as they are on a leash.  We ask that you keep a close eye on your dog as not everyone is as comfortable with your pet as you are.

Does the market allow soliciting?

No soliciting by political, commercial, or other special cause groups or individuals is permitted within the boundaries of the market during market hours. Please alert someone at the Information table if you are aware of such activities taking place within the market. The Market Manager will simply ask those groups or individuals to move their activities to a spot outside of the market space.

Are all farmers market products certified organic? 

No. Different vendors choose different production methods. Talk to the vendors to learn more about their products. 

Can I print a map of the market? 

Unfortunately, maps are not available as vendors can be moved around a little from week to week.  If you are looking for a specific vendor, please stop by the information table and we will be happy to assist you in locating a vendor.

How do I volunteer to help at the market?

YEAH!!!  We need you and love our volunteers!  Volunteers are always welcome to help at the information booth, set up before the market, or tear down after the market. Fill out a Volunteer Application Here.

Can I use a credit card at the Farmers' Market?

Each vendor at the market has different payment policies. While some of our vendors accept credit cards or other alternative payments like Paypal or Venmo, all our vendors accept cash.

Can I use Senior/WIC Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) vouchers at the market? 

The WIC (Women Infant and Children) and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs offer one-time food benefits to eligible participants each year. Each eligible participant receives checks that are redeemed at local farmers' markets June through October on fresh fruits, vegetables and fresh cut herbs. This program is separate from Foodshare, and checks can be redeemed directly at eligible vendors. Not all vendors at the market accept FMNP checks. Vendors that accept FMNP checks will have a yellow sign displayed at their market stall.

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